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  • cows getting milked

    India Misusing Antibiotics in Dairy Sector

    India Must Stop Misusing Antibiotics in Dairy Sector, According to CSE Report   The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has raised concerns over whether the milk we consume is safe. Hosting…
  • cows being milked

    Initiative to Reduce Farm Antibiotic Use

    As part of a wider government initiative to tackle Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR), Northern Ireland dairy farmers are being given the opportunity to attend a range of training events aimed at further educating…
  • Milk in glass

    Join us at IFT 2018

    Are you attending IFT 2018? Stop by the Randox Food Diagnostics Booth #S238 to find out more about the Randox Food Diagnostics revolutionary product offering. Randox Food Diagnostics created the patented Biochip…
  • Milk

    Get Fast, Accurate Results with the Evidence MultiSTAT

    Randox Food Diagnostics recognise the pressure the dairy industry is under to deliver high quality products while conforming to strict regulations. As a solution to this, the InfiniPlex for Milk Array was created. InfiniPlex for…

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